LISEGA has provided the highest quality pipe support and restraint components, primarily to the power industry, for over 35 years. The LISEGA Group, largest manufacturer of engineered hanger components in the world, has always committed to provide the optimum component for each application. LISEGA has developed a product line of over 6,000 standardized components, designed and manufactured to meet the highest quality and regulatory standards.
LISEGA Dynamic Restraints (Product Group 3 of our modular system) provide state of the art technology for Shock Absorbers (Snubbers), Rigid Restraints, and restraint optimization devices.
The LISEGA Hydraulic Snubber is recognized worldwide for its dependable, trouble free service in even the most demanding environments. The E-Bar, our restraint optimization device, provides an alternative to an active restraint that incorporates a unique load transfer / impact limiting feature. All our restraint devices have been specifically designed and manufactured for dynamic environments. All components in the restraint component product line, as well as our hanger/support components, are specifically designed to provide the optimum solution for your specific application.
Together and integral to our hardware development, LISEGA has developed user friendly design software that provides an additional benefit to our customers. The LICAD program represents over 15 years of development which has resulted in unmatched design software (both 2D and 3D) that can save up to 50% in the overall installed cost of hangers/restraints for power plant projects.
For more information on LISEGA product offerings, to download our catalog “Standard Components 2010”, or to download our free design/selection software, please visit our website at: or contact Dave Dutrow, Manager, Nuclear Sales, at